Making a better tomorrow by what we do today.
At AAA KARTAK we believe is is our responsibility as a company and as individuals to play a part in preserving and protecting our environment. We do that in four primary ways - Kartak's Green Team Committee, Plant A Tree Program, Built Green Membership and LEED Principles.
Green Team
Committed to Conservation
Our Green Team committee is dedicated to assuring that all conservation and recycle programs are followed. We recycle aluminum, wood, paper, steel and scrap metal and use energy-saving lights in our buildings. We even offer free employee bus passes to encourage use of transit. Our green truck maintenance program doubles the life of our vehicle oil, while helping ensure our fleet of vehicles are up to date and running efficiently with better gas mileage.
Plant A Tree Program
For every new job, we plant two trees
Our Plant A Tree Program is a way for our customers to partner with us in making a difference locally and globally. Whenever a customer orders work for a new jobsite, AAA KARTAK has committed to plant two trees. We have planted 65,200 trees since we implemented the program in 2007.
Locally - We have planted thousands of trees in the Puget Sound Area, such as red cedar, blue spruce and pine trees helping make our world a greener place.
Globally - We are currently helping a village in the much deforested nation of Haiti plant thousands of trees. In addition, the sponsorship helps provide education techniques to restore the natural resources of rural farmers’ degraded lands.
Built Green
Promoting sustainable building practices
We are a longtime proud member of Built Green. This program promotes projects built using sustainable materials and practices. As members of the Built Green program, we are committed to use ecologically low-impact materials, sealants and adhesives, build with sustainable glass products, and promote healthy building practices. The majority of our products are manufactured in the Puget Sound, thus reducing our carbon footprint.
Green Building Rating System
We are currently working on several projects utilizing the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program which is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water saving, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality.